Category Archives: Episodes

Episode 47: Solar Odyssey

Yes, finally, another Terence and Philip Show! This time Terence grills Philip on what really happened during the Solar Odyssey, the production lessons learnt and what else has come out of the experience.


Thanks to Alpha Dogs intern Sean Yap.

Episode 44: The HPA Retreat – technology’s leading edge.

Terence attended this year’s Hollywood Post Alliance retreat with the theme “Snowflake Workflows” and talks about the technologies that were previewed.

The things that stood out for Terry in the demo room: Sony’s Blu-ray archive solution to compete with LTO and $25,000 4K home projector;

There’s a side discussion how disruptive technologies often come out of the consumer divisions of the large conglomerates rather than their professional product division.

Terry then a panel where Disney discussed automating the diversity of outputs from master file (up to thousands of variations).

How does the combination of RAW and Lytro camera affect production? How much moves from production to post?

Terry also talks about the trends in production and consumption revealed at the HPA Retreat.

Thanks to Curtis Fritsch for editing the show and making us sound intelligent.

Episode 43: The trend to reality TV

Terence and Philip start with a discussion of why we’re trending toward reality Television away from scripted. What are the implications for workflows? Where is the distinction between documentary and reality?

There’s a discussion on reality TV production techniques. Followed by some of the ideas Philip has for saving time on the Solar Odyssey Challenge show using metadata using Time Associated Metadata inspired by OnLocation/Adobe Story workflows. Philip discusses some of the software ideas he has for metadata acquisition.

Philip mentioned a sports logging tool: the company is iCoda.

Thanks to Alpha Dogs intern Alex Talavera for editing the show and making us sound intelligent.

Episode 42: Toys and Trips

Terry has been deciding what equipment to buy, while Philip has some very specific technology needs for the upcoming Solar Odyssey project. Naturally the MacPro’s future features in the discussion. Terry’s video monitoring solution has been found but he’s still looking for audio monitoring tools, without it being too expensive or too cheap.

Discussion continues about the relative future of iOS and OS X (recorded before the announcement of Mountain Lion and Final Cut Pro X 1.0.3) and applications that might run on them.

Philip discusses the technology needs for the Solar Odyssey project: producing a reality TV show about the journey on the solar powered vessel Ra, under solar power. All equipment needs to run off 12v. During the production new technologies will be developed (as Philip discussed on his blog). Philip also discusses the types of software solutions they will be developing during the project.

Episode 40: Will we be outsourced or automated out of existence?

In this episode Terence and Philip discuss the outsourcing of editing jobs, remote (a.k.a cloud) editing and automation in production. What’s happening now and how will it evolve in the near future. Philip also sneaks in a preview of an interesting show he’ll be involved with in 2012.

Thanks Alex Talavera for editing and making us sound intelligent.

Episode 39: What is the future of the post house?

Starting with an article “Hollywood & the Job Crisis” that leads to be a discussion about constantly changing business model. Right now the model seems to be “how low can you go” which is ultimately self defeating. Where do you go from here? Talent and desire are what will sell. How did post houses get to this, and what will the future hold? What is your Unique Selling Proposition?

Many thanks to Curtis Fritsch for editing and making us sound smarter.

Episode 38: Three NLEs, three approaches to 64 bit.

In this episode Terence and Philip discuss the different approaches to updating their NLEs to 64bit modern architectures, with a particular emphasis on Media Composer 6, Avid’s just-released 64 bit update to the venerable Media Composer.

Thanks again to Curtis Fritsch for editing and making us sound smarter than we are.